06 July 2006

Solaris 10 - a bothersome bug in UFS

Let see:

$ df -h

/dev/md/pgsqlindg/dsk/d350 35G 16384E 37G 50129137443513% /global/pgsqlin

This UFS bug is bothering me, because I'm using Nagios to monitor also disk space and Nagios notify me a critical state. So I've to disable disk space checking and wait for kernel jumbo patch for this problem.

Bash scritping: more hints for working with numbers

As an addendum to my first post about bash scripting and numbers here are some more nice information.

* Check if $VAR is a positive integer:

if echo "$VAR" | egrep --null "^[[:digit:]]+$" > /dev/null ; then
echo Integer: $VAR
echo $VAR isn't an integer.

* Check if $VAR is a positive real number:

if echo "$VAR" | egrep --null "^[[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+)*$" > /dev/null ; then
echo Real number: $VAR
echo $VAR isn't a real number.


03 July 2006

Green Deck-House - a historic building in Poznań

See at this: zielona budka Looks like quite normal green deck-house? But it is a historic building from 1913 and it is the last one of this kind. It was once a tramway station in my home city.